Moving Your Google My Business Website Before It Shuts Down: A Step-by-Step Guide

Moving Your Google My Business Website Before It Shuts Down: A Step-by-Step Guide

By Mehul Dobariya, Published on Feb 24 2024

As the deadline approaches for Google My Business (GMB) website closures in March 2024, it's crucial for website owners to take proactive steps to migrate their sites to a new platform. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the migration process to Webwiz AI, ensuring a seamless transition and highlighting the numerous benefits of our platform.

Why Migrate Now?

Google's decision to close down websites created through GMB profiles necessitates swift action from website owners. Failure to migrate your website to another platform before the deadline could result in a loss of online presence and potential customers. By migrating to Webwiz AI, you can safeguard your digital assets and continue to thrive in the online landscape.

Migration Steps Explained

Step 1: Visit Webwiz AI Migration Page

Start by visiting the dedicated migration page to move your Google My Business Website. This page serves as the gateway to a smooth and hassle-free migration process.

Step 2: Enter Your Domain Name

Once on the migration page, you'll be prompted to enter the domain name of your existing GMB website. This allows Webwiz AI to retrieve your website data and initiate the migration process.

Step 3: Claim Your Site

After entering your domain name, our platform will begin generating content for your new website automatically. Once the initial content generation is complete, it's time to claim your site for further enhancements.

Claiming your site not only gives you ownership but also unlocks additional content and design options to personalize your website according to your preferences. As an added bonus, you'll receive a complimentary Webwiz domain to simplify your online presence management.

Step 4: Point Your Domain to Webwiz AI

With your site claimed and initial content generated, the final step is to point your domain to Webwiz AI. This involves updating your domain's DNS settings to ensure that visitors are seamlessly directed to your new website hosted on our platform.

Why Choose Webwiz AI?

1. Customization

At Webwiz AI, we believe in providing a world of endless possibilities for customization. Our platform offers a wide range of tools and features that allow you to personalize every aspect of your website to match your exact preferences.

2. Hosting

Your website will be hosted on high-performance infrastructure, including next-generation CDN, Edge Storage, and Optimization Services. This ensures lightning-fast loading times and reliable performance for your visitors.

3. Speed

Experience blazing-fast loading times with our optimized website speed. Our platform is designed to deliver an exceptional browsing experience, regardless of device or location.

4. Responsive Design

Our responsive design ensures that your website looks and functions flawlessly on all devices, from smartphones to desktops. This adaptability is essential for catering to the diverse needs of your audience.

5. Free SSL Certificate

Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with our free SSL certificate, which keeps your website secure and encrypted. Plus, it renews automatically, eliminating the hassle of manual renewal.

6. Easy to Manage

We understand the importance of simplicity when it comes to website management. That's why our platform features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to update and maintain your website without any technical expertise.

7. No Code

With Webwiz AI, you can create a stunning website without writing a single line of code. Our intuitive tools and drag-and-drop editor empower you to design and customize your website with ease.

8. Multi-Page Support

Our platform supports multiple pages, allowing you to organize your content in a structured and comprehensive manner. Whether you're running a small business or a large enterprise, our platform can accommodate your needs.

9. SEO Friendly

Unlock the potential for higher visibility and increased traffic with our SEO-friendly websites. Our platform is optimized for search engines, helping you climb the rankings and attract more visitors to your site.

10. Built to Scale

Whether you're just starting or scaling your business, Webwiz AI has you covered. Our platform is built to scale, offering the flexibility and resilience you need to grow your online presence without limitations.

11. 24/7 Support

Last but not least, our dedicated support team is available 24/7 to assist you with any questions or issues you may encounter. We're here to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience at every step of the way.


The impending closure of Google My Business websites underscores the importance of migrating to a reliable and feature-rich platform like Webwiz AI. With our seamless migration process and comprehensive suite of tools and features, you can rest assured that your online presence is in good hands. Don't wait until it's too late – start your migration journey today and unlock the full potential of your website with Webwiz AI.