Migrate Google My Business Website to Webwiz AI

Transfer your Google My Business website before the platform discontinues its services. Input your website information below, and we will seamlessly transfer your site within seconds, granting you the freedom to customize it according to your preferences.

Start your free trial, no credit card necessary. By providing website, you agree to our terms of service.

Everything you need

All-in-one platform

A comprehensive solution that brings everything together in one place, simplifying your experience and boosting efficiency.

World of endless possibilities, where you can personalize and fine-tune every aspect to match your exact preferences.
Website will be hosted on high performance infrastructure with next-generation CDN, Edge Storage, and Optimization Services.
Experience blazing-fast loading times with our optimized website speed, ensuring your visitors enjoy a seamless browsing experience.
Responsive Design
Adaptability at its finest: our responsive design guarantees your website looks and works brilliantly on all devices, from smartphones to desktops.
Free SSL Certificate
Our free SSL certificate not only keeps your website protected but also renews itself automatically, ensuring continuous safety without the fuss.
Easy to Manage
Simplicity at its finest! Our user-friendly platform makes website management a breeze, ensuring a hassle-free experience for effortless control.
No code
Create without code! Enjoy the freedom to design and personalize your website easily, even without any coding skills, thanks to our intuitive tools.
Multi page Support
Go beyond limits! Our platform's support for multiple pages empowers you to organize and present your content in a structured and comprehensive manner.
SEO Friendly
Unlock the potential for higher visibility and increased traffic with our SEO-friendly websites.
Build to Scale
Scalability guaranteed! Our approach ensures your website is built to scale, offering the flexibility and resilience your business needs to thrive.
24/7 Support
Get peace of mind with our round-the-clock support. Our dedicated team is here 24/7, ready to assist you with any questions or issues, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience at any hour.

Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by emailing us, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Can I transfer my domain name to Webwiz?
Certainly, you have the option to transfer your personalized domain from Google Domains or another registrar to webwiz, provided you're not using the business.site TLD. Consolidating your hosting and domain in one place simplifies management. Feel free to reach out to our Customer Success team for guidance on domain transfer requirements.
How will the closure of Google My Business Websites affect my existing website?
The closure entails that your website will no longer be accessible, leading to a 404 error. Failing to migrate to another platform before the deadline may have adverse effects on your sales, online reputation, and SEO rankings.
Would transitioning to a different platform impact my website's search engine rankings?
Moving to a new platform might initially influence your website's search engine rankings, mainly due to alterations in the URL structure and site architecture. However, Webwiz offers SEO features and comprehensive guides to assist you in quickly recovering and enhancing your rankings.
Is it possible for me to retain the existing design and layout of my Google My Business website during the migration process?
Unfortunately, transferring the design and layout of your Google My Business website directly isn't possible. However, this presents a great chance to browse through our selection of designer-crafted templates. These templates provide a contemporary and stylish appearance for your business website. Our templates are easy to use and can be tailored to match your brand's aesthetics and requirements.
Is it possible for me to create my website entirely from scratch?
Absolutely, you can create a website using our AI website builder. Simply provide a few details about your business, and our AI website builder will assist you in generating the entire website from scratch.
Is it possible for me to incorporate personalized design elements into my website?
Certainly, we provide an array of top-tier widgets and customization choices.
Are there templates available with the AI Website Builder?
Yes, we offer a wide range of templates to choose from. You can also customize the templates to suit your needs.